Privacy Policy Privacy Policy
At we make sure that our customers privacy is respected at all times, which is why we take special care in explaining our online information practices to you. Our privacy policy explains to you how your personal information is collected and stored when you visit our site and more importantly, how we ensure the highest level of protection against third party information theft.

Log files
Like most other websites, we collect data that is contained in log files. Some of the data collected are IP (internet protocol) address, ISP (internet service provider, like AOL or Shaw Cable), the browser used to visit our site, pages visited on the site and the time of the visit.

Cookies store information about your preferences. They generally appear as a pop up when you visit a particular site or forums. makes use of third party advertising for support. Some of these advertisers use technology that help them access information like your IP address, ISP, the browser used and if you have Flash installed. This information is used for geo-targeting, where in ads are targeted based on the sites they have visited.

Google AdSense and the DoubleClick DART Cookies makes use of DART cookies for ad serving via Google’s DoubleClick. In this case a cookie is placed on your computer when you browse and visit a site through DoubleClick advertising. The cookie then shows you specific ads related to your special interests. Let us explain this concept to you with the help of an example. For Example, if you have been looking for information about a particular city, the cookies will show you advertisements related to that particular city. DART uses “Non-personally identifiable information”. This means that your personal information like email, address, phone number, credit card number, bank details, social security number etc. isn’t tracked. In addition, if you feel the need to take one step further to protect the privacy of your information; you do have an option of opting out. To opt out of ad serving on sites that use this type of advertising, you can do so by visiting

Our third party cookies have the option of being disabled or selectively turned off in your browser settings or through options in Norton Internet Security. But that said, disabling third party cookies could possibly affect your interaction on our site as well as other sites. Also, issues like inability to login on forums and other such problems may crop up.

By deleting cookies, you do not opt out of advertising programs altogether. If you have not chosen the settings that disallow cookies, a new cookie will be added when you visit the next site that runs any form of advertisement.

Personal information collection
When you visit, your information such as IP address, time and date of access is logged. This information is only used to analyze trends, gather demographic information, which is then used for internal purposes like track user movement and administer the site as well. At we make sure that your privacy is protected by ensuring that the IP addresses are not linked to any personally identifiable information.

Third party websites links
There may be a number of third party website links on for your use and reference. However, the privacy policy of these sites does not come under our responsibility. We would also like to warn you that the privacy policies of these sites may differ vastly from that of ours. Hence, it would be advisable to go through the privacy policies of these sites well in advance.

Changes to the privacy statement
The content of our privacy statement may be changed from time to time on our discretion.